Saturday, June 23, 2012


Dragonflies were fun- a bit messy, and not quite how we planned them- but they worked and the kiddos like them so- it's all good!

First we started with laminating sheets (you could use contact paper but it would not be as clear) - I separated the top and bottom and drew the dragon fly wings right on the sheet (MISTAKE #1- separating the sheets- tried the same idea with stained glass hearts with Jocie and left them intact, just opened and used the bottom and put them back together. When I separated them first and just sat them back together, they got stuck in the laminator and folded all up, which would have been great if we had been making accordion style wings hahaha- we learn from out mistakes)

Then, we took chunky pieces of tissue paper and placed them on the sheet covering the entire area where the wings were drawn

Then we put the top sheet on and ran them through the laminator.
While I was laminating, the kiddos used markers to color craft sticks and put google eyes on them (which fell off as soon as they tried to play with them later)

After cooling a bit, we covered the area with watered down glue (helps it spread better and then it's not as thick) and sprinkled them with glitter
(Mistake #2- turning my head for 2 seconds to help Jocie while Mew had the glitter bottle- um, yeah, he had it ALL OVER and the wings were almost a solid sheet of glitter- fun haha)

Once dry, we cut the wings out and glued them onto the craft sticks-

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