Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Frozen Paint

I love friends that share ideas they find! 
Frozen Paint was on such idea that my children just LOVED!
and SIMPLE!!!!

Washable kids paint
Ice cube tray
(plastic wrap or foil)
Craft sticks

that's it! well and some paper or cardboard of course :)

Put the paint into ice cube trays- one color in each section 
(I added water to the paint before putting it in the tray so it was not as thick and I didn't have to use so much- yeah I admit I am cheap like that haha)

Then I inserted the craft sticks. I left them sort of laying against the side and the kiddos really liked them  at this angle- but if you want them straight and centered, put foil or plastic wrap on the top of the tray and poke the sticks through so they stay standing up (hopefully)


Once the paint was frozen, I took them out of the freezer and loosened the cubes. Some were harder to get out so a ran the tray under warm water for a few seconds to loosen them more. once they were all loose, i ran them under a stream of water just to jump start the melting process.

To paint, you can use paper or cardboard (or anything similar- paper bags, wall paper_NOT ON THE ALLS OF COURSE! or whatever- the thicker the better though!)
We used cardboard that was coated white on one side, I believe I had them for cakes? They got mixed in with our craft stuff so I just grabbed them! PERFECT!!!

Let them rub the sticks on the paper/cardboard/whatever and as the cubes melt it makes beautiful colored trails :)

*sorry the pics are rotated- too lazy tonight to edit- but you get the idea anyway right? hahaha

Mew's finished painting- The Tank

 Jocie's finished painting- Rainbow Lines

My kiddos had a BLAST! and cannot wait to do this craft again!
I did see another idea where they used frozen paint mixed in shaving cream to make neat designs and art! That may be on our list of TO DOs soon!

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