I was starting to feel a little defeated. I could not think of any foods that started with O except for the obvious- Orange, so I called on a few friends to help me get my juices flowing again. They came through as always with some new ideas. It was up to us to explore them, but they got us moving again. Thanks to those who helped yesterday with ideas!
O was an easy letter for identifying and writing and Mew thought he was got stuff. "its just a circle mom, I can do that myself" And that he did, all over the page! Jocie's worksheet was just as easy for her. Starting to think I need to up the ante a little bit for her and find newer things for her to do with the letters.

Oranges were our first activity of the day. We looked at them, touched them and talked about their smell both whole and cut in half. Then, Jocie and Mew each took turns squeezing the orange halves against the juicer. They are both pros at this now since they have done it at therapy as well as at home before. After the y were done, we poured the juice in a lidded container, added water and a little sugar and then some ice. Both kiddos took turns shaking it up- their favorite part! Time to drink! Mew was not so sure, and thought it would be more fun to play in the juice than to drink it. Jocie loved hers until she felt the pulp- not good, that was enough for her. She enjoyed the taste, but not the 'texture' of the juice. Daddy later suggested next time we strain it through a nylon or something(I had no idea what to use as we don't have a strainer small enough) DUH moment for me! Next time!

While I cleaned up the sticky juice mess, I let Jocie and Mew play with some Olives. Mew figured out how to put them on his fingers and loved playing olive monster. Jocie did touch them, but neither wanted to eat them. (yes they sometimes have issues with things that are green!)
Next, we made Omelets. We talked about how we would make them and I explained to them that basically we made them the same as scrambled eggs(a preferred food) but when we cooked them, we just didn't scramble. They were cool with the idea. They each took turns beating the egg. I made Mew's Omelet first- he wanted Cheese in his. He was very interested and took a bite of his right away, loved it and kept eating. For Mew it was a hit. Jocie did not want anything in hers, just egg. She did take one bite, but was disappointed that it was not quite like a scrambled egg and was a little upset. She did say she liked the taste just not how it 'felt'. (we did let her make some scrambled eggs too- those she ate ALL of!)
To finish up the activities we made oct-o-dogs as we have done before. This time I let Mew cut his own legs before we cooked them(Jocie did not want to) Mew ate all of his and Jocie, well she was done for the day!
I still have everything to make Oatmeal/butterscotch cookies- but had to end for the day- will do them tomorrow before we do P. I wanted them to enjoy making them not feel like it was a chore or just too much.