While at the store yesterday, I ran across a display of silly string. Thinking of stringy, slightly sticky spray made me think of another fun idea for the kiddos for outside. So I picked up 2 cans.
In the morning they were very excited to learn what I had purchased and could not wait to get their hands on the little cans. So after we took care of some morning 'errands' we grabbed the cans, our little aluminum trays that we use for activities, and headed outside.
Mew was immediately fascinated by the string spraying from the can. NO WAY was I going to just turn him loose with it, but I did let him spray some by himself. It was pretty difficult for him to spray, but I think it turned out to be a good exercise for his fine motor strength(yea! we found another form of therapy to throw in again), He quickly emptied the can around him, and decided to run through it. He got tangled up and thought it was sort of funny until he couldn't get free. That is was it for him.
Jocie was not so quick to join in, but once I got her to spray some from her can she had a blast. So much so that she cried when it ran out! Unlike Mew she did not want to touch it at ALL. When it was tim to clean up, both wanted to just run back inside. I started to pick some up and made it into a little ball and showed them both. This was all it took to get them interested again. Both of them picked up as much of their string as they could find trying to see who could make the biggest ball.
1 comment:
The pictures are soo cool! Great idea in getting them to help clean up. You think fast!
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