Happy H day! Yesterday Jocie and Mew woke up asking what letter we would do and wanting to start right away. I was able to hold them off until lunch, so we made it Lunch time fun as well as normal activities. We started off with our letter magnets, which Mew found pretty quickly once I told him that H looked a bit like a ladder. He was so proud of himself for finding it that he did not want to part with it the entire time we 'worked'. He also did pretty well writing his H. Jocie as usual did great at identifying pictures starting with H.
The night before, Jocie informed us that Hot Dog started with an H and she might like to try those for H day, so who I was I to argue. We added Hot dogs to the plan. Mew also asked if we could sign the Mickey Mouse 'Hot Diggidy Dog' song. Of course we could!

To change things up a little with the Hot dog since Mew is already a fan, I decided to cut the Hot dogs to look like an octopus. (A little trick I learned from Nickelodeon HAHA) This was a big hit. Mew enjoyed walking his Hot Dog-o-pus around his plate and of course he sang the 'Hot Diggidy Dog' song while doing so. I also made them Hashbrowns (the patty kind) to much on. Mew would not try his, but Jocie did and it is now one of her favorite foods. She actually ate the first one and asked for a second!

After they both finished eating their lunch, We got out some Honey, Ham and Hummus. Jocie decided that the Ham would make a great blanket for her Hot Dog-a-pus so she covered him all up. Mew thought that his Hashbrown looked like a 'honey' bed so he covered it in honey and used the ham as a blanket. He said ants would like to sleep there. (and I bet they would, but NOT IN MY HOUSE! haha) Jocie did try a little of the honey and said she liked it, but wasnt too into trying anymore. The hummus did not get much attention. Oh well, maybe next time.
Everyone enjoyed H day but the favorite part was the singing and Hot dog-o-pus(or were they Hot Oct-o-dogs?)
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